Free home business ideas sound too good to be true, don't they? Do you think that any successful business has to cost a lot of money to start? If you have fallen into the trap of associating the quality of the business with the investment required, read on for five truly free home business ideas that have been proven to produce income quickly and in steady supply.

1. Article writing provides an excellent source of income from home. This business requires one employee: you. You can select the topics you will write about. You determine the frequency with which you will post articles. This freedom means you determine how much money you will make. Anyone can own their own article writing business. Even people with limited or no writing training have found success writing articles for websites.

2. Auction sites allow anyone with extra junk to own their own business. Old toys, furniture, and records might seem like trash to you, but collectors would consider these items treasures. Most people with attics or basements have amassed a variety of valuable treasures that simply collect dust in anticipation of the next great yard sale. Sell that junk and make a profit!

3. Fill out surveys and get paid for it. This online job gives you an outlet for your opinions and pays you for them! Whether you freelance or contract with a company, your opinions can help shape the way other business operate and service customers.

4. Blog for hire. Writing your opinions and posting on other people's blogs presents an attractive business model to highly opinionated people who appreciate an outlet for what they have to say. Companies and individuals pay you to post.

5. Write an e-book! E-books are a growing phenomenon online, and present a quick money making tool. Writing one e-book could net you thousands of dollars. Writing two e-books could produce quite a following. Become an expert on any subject just by writing an e-book and marketing it on your website.

These five ideas are completely free. You don't have to have any special training, and you don't need any particular skills. These opportunities prove that anyone can find success with a home business.

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