As a mom of three young kids, the feeling of being overwhelming can get to any mom and there are ways and ideas to get there but with some resources online, that idea from a dream can turn into a reality. With dedication, a positive mental attitude and wanting to do this more than anything, there are help out here on the internet.

1. Talk to other moms in person that currently have their own business and ask them some questions such as how do they like it. How do they work around their kids schedule. How do they find the time to market themselves. Asking questions about it will make you see if a home based business idea is ideal for you. If they also tell you what they do, see if it is something that you would want to do. If you do, do some more research.

2. Mom bloggers and moms with websites. Those sites should be searched out more since they have personal experience as a mom with kids and they can give you some other ideas that I might missed that they can offer suggestions. They have contents on there which are updated weekly. Seek out the ones that are done weekly and subscribe to their blog/website. It would be sent to your email address if they do.

3. Forums and chatrooms for moms. Sometimes you would meet other moms on there that post up places online that are currently hiring homeworkers or they are doing some other stuff with their own business. Also network with other moms on there and get to know them. I personally became friends with some of them online and it's a great feeling to know that other moms like me know what it's like compare to people that go to their 9 to 5 jobs.

4. Search up WAHMs (work at home moms) and SAHMs (stay at home moms) on search engines. They are also worth networking with since they know what it's like to work at home. They can offer you suggestions such as ways to make your life easier as a business owner or work around your kids as a few examples.

5. Go to your local library and look at other magazines and books. Not only are they free to check out with the exception of the ones that just got there but some WAHMs are authors and it's a good way to find out about them. Not only that but you can ask other librarians there that may be able to help you with information that you are looking for when it comes to other books.

6. Bulletin boards. Bulletin boards for business ideas are also another way to know for sure if what they are doing might be of interest to you. If it is, there is a possibility that they can mentor you if you decide to join under them such as direct sales, MLM, or network marketing as another word for it. They are everywhere wherever you are such as at your local grocery stores, retail stores which some have them for anybody to tack up, family centers such as at YMCA/YWCA, daycare centers as another. Business cards of other owners is what you are looking for on there. Give them a call or at least email them and let them know where you found them. They would appreciate this a lot.

7. Call up other business owners listed on yellow pages. This may be one of the most time consuming here but if you miss talking to other adults as a mom of young kids, this is another good way but make sure they know to be quiet or be in another room.

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